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“Enrich Futures Through Your Generosity | Legacy Family Center Minnesota Charity”

We are the community that facilitates life literacy
so families can



Legacy Family Center provides West African refugee and immigrant families with holistic, culturally appropriate support services focused on education, workforce development, wellness building, and being a social services connector to minimize the barriers to self-sufficiency and enable all family members to thrive in their homes and communities.

What We Do

Legacy Family Center utilizes a two-generation approach to respond to our growing immigrant community. We do this by developing programs geared toward parents, youth, and children learning side-by-side to teach and nurture each generation’s skill set, solidify family connections, and provide access to resources that will support the success of families and, in turn, be vested community members.

Our Services

2023 In Review

Books Distributed

Workforce Development Served

Funds Raised for Legacy Programs




“A fundamental concern for others in our individual and community lives would go a long way in making the world the better place we so passionately dreamt of.”

Nelson Mandela

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Join Us

Facilitate life literacy so families can FLOURISH!


Legacy Family Center is a 501(c)(3) founded in 2013 to benefit West African refugee and immigrant families with holistic, culturally appropriate support services focused on education, workforce development, wellness building, and being a social services connector to minimize the barriers to self-sufficiency and enable all family members to thrive in their homes and communities. 


Phone: 763.438.3339

Registered Charity: 37-163401

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